1. ASP.NET MVC Display Modes not working with _Layout.Mobile.cshtml and _Layout.cshtml Different scripts are not being loaded. Tried using this code: @using (Html.BeginForm("OverrideToDesktopBrowser", "Home", FormMethod.Post)) { routes } but clicking on button does not call controller methd; /*==================================================================== TypeScript Debugging ======================================================================*/ Somehow, after adding the folliwng lines of code in _Layout.cshtml and BundleConfig.cs respectively: // in _Layout.cshtml @Sripts.Render("~/bundles/app") // in BundleConfig.cs bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/app").Include("~/Scripts/app.js")); and running web application in Internet Explorer, I am able to step through my Typescript code., yay! /*========================================================================= jQuery UI ==========================================================================*/ 1. To use custom icons in buttons, use a css style like this: .ui-icon-custom { background-image: url(images/custom.png) !important; } Ensure that last part is in otherwise icon will not be found (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3224537/change-the-icon-of-a-jquery-ui-button-with-own-image) /*========================================================================= AngularJS ==========================================================================*/ If already using Knockout.js no need to use a ng-controller. Just continue to use Knockout but you can make use of some angular services.